At Cubicles.net we understand that capital is king and sometimes it’s a more economical business move to finance a purchase. That’s why we offer a range of financing options to all buyers. Our loans can go from $2,000 up to $150,000 and higher. Getting approved is easy and hassle free and typically takes less than 30 seconds. Contact us or chat online today to learn more.
How It Works
Simply complete the Direct Capital Application and send it in. The application provides us with all of the information necessary to approve most companies for purchases of up to $150,000. (Larger approvals will require the submission of corporate financial statements or tax returns). You will be notified of credit approval within 24 hours, and we will contact you to determine which lease best suits your company.
Flexible Payment Plans
We understand that small business has unique cycles, especially pertaining to cash flow. That’s why we are committed to providing you with flexible and convenient payment plans.
Seasonal Skip Payments
If you experience an annual decrease in cash flow, we offer you the option to make 9 payments annually instead of 12. You tell us when cash flow is the lightest, and we’ll structure your agreement accordingly.
90 Day No Payments
If you need some time to benefit from your equipment purchase, try this payment schedule. With the 90 Day No Payments Plan, you simply make one payment in advance, then make no payments for the next 90 days.
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